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Transforming Patient Care

Virtual Care for Patient Admission and Discharge

Jul 31, 2023 3:37:03 AM

As technology continues to shape the healthcare landscape, virtual care is emerging as an essential tool in managing patient admission and discharge processes. A 2021 report suggested that the telehealth market, which incorporates various aspects of virtual care, was expected to reach USD 266.8 billion by 2026 [1], highlighting the increasing adoption of digital solutions in healthcare. 

In the realm of patient admission and discharge, companies like hellocare are leading the way with innovative solutions that streamline procedures, enhance patient understanding, and foster greater family involvement in care. 

A crucial part of the patient's journey, admission and discharge processes are ripe for the benefits of virtual care. Traditionally, these procedures can be time-consuming, often involving significant paperwork and coordination between different departments. With virtual care, the entire process can be significantly streamlined, saving time for both healthcare providers and patients. 


Moreover, virtual care platforms provide excellent platforms for patient education, an integral part of the discharge process. Traditionally, patient education has been a largely one-way interaction, with healthcare providers imparting information and patients attempting to absorb it. The advent of virtual care has transformed this dynamic. 

Using a virtual care platform, nurses can now conduct interactive patient education sessions. They can share resources, visuals, and other educational content that patients can refer back to at their convenience. This approach not only enhances patients' understanding of their condition and care plan but also facilitates better compliance with treatment protocols. In a recent survey, 80% of patients reported better adherence to treatment when they received interactive patient education. 

Perhaps one of the most impactful benefits of virtual care in admission and discharge processes is the ability to involve family members.

Perhaps one of the most impactful benefits of virtual care in admission and discharge processes is the ability to involve family members. With the rise of virtual care, family members can now be actively included in the discharge process, even if they are unable to be physically present. They can watch the educational content shared during the process, ask questions, and gain a clear understanding of how to assist in the patient's care at home. 

This increased family involvement not only promotes a better understanding of the patient's care requirements but also gives family members a sense of involvement and reassurance. This trend aligns with studies that highlight the positive impact of family involvement on patient outcomes, with one study reporting a 25% reduction in readmission rates when families were involved in the discharge process [2]. 

As the digital transformation of healthcare continues, virtual care for patient admission and discharge stands out as a game-changing innovation. By streamlining processes, enhancing patient education, and fostering family involvement, platforms like hellocare are paving the way towards a more efficient, inclusive, and patient-centered healthcare system. 

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